“leaking” fetal fibronectin..


I got the Fetal fibronectin testing done on 12/20 due to pre-labor signs (losing my mucus plug, etc) that came back positive, currently 1-2cm Dialated.

I see my doctor next on 1/16..

According to what I'm reading online it's a “glue-like” protein your body produces to help hold your baby in place.

Which makes me worry that he's now no longer protected well inside.

I read something regarding that his Sac is slowly detaching, is that true?

If so can it cause pain? For example this morning I woke up to really bad side pain(on a scale from 1 to 10, I would say 4) that's causing more contractions.

This has been a very complicated pregnancy, and I thought my other two were difficult lol they were easy compared to this.

Currently 7 months along with baby boy #3!