I lost my son at 15 weeks , long post

Kasey • 1 angel baby 💙👼🏽 #TTC Rainbow baby 🌈 IVF EDITION ! #2022

On December 23rd I woke up in agonizing pain, I was having cold sweats and the pain was consistent every 10 minutes and bleeding as well it felt like I was being stabbed ( I’m a FTM don’t know what contractions really feel like ) I went to the ER and had my cervix checked said it was closed and a sonogram baby heart was beating and they said I had UTI and that’s what was causing the pain 🙄 and sent me home prescribed me Tylenol and antibiotics. December 24th the pain got worse I went back to the ER this time they said the baby was pressing on my fibroids and that’s what was causing the pain and bleeding did a sonogram baby was fine gave me Tylenol and sent me home again STILL IN PAIN! but something just wasn’t sitting right in my stomach I had a feeling something was wrong ! On December 28 15+5 I was at home and felt like I had a bowl movement I pushed and felt a big gush and there was my baby in the toilet 😔 I went to the emergency room they checked me and said I was 5 centimeters dilated and it feel like I might have a incompetent cervix ! and the pain I was feeling was probably contractions! How did they not detect that when I went there the first two times in crying pain and bleeding just being sent home?? ! I feel so hurt and lost I feel like maybe my son could’ve been saved! So sorry for the long post I just never felt so hurt and empty in my life ! So scared to try again. Had to have a D&C done and a blood transfusion. RIP MY ANGEL🙏🏽👼🏽