Pessary for cervical incompetence


Has anyone any experience with a pessary for IC?

I had a term birth with my first, however after a long hard labour I had a c-section, my uterus was mush and my uterine incision tore through my cervix

My second baby was born at 20w6d. I noticed some increased discharge with a tiny bit of spotting. When to labour and delivery, waited many hours, finally got checked and was 3cm dilated with a bulging bag. I delivered the next morning. Placenta pathology did find chorioamnionitis. So I maybe have IC but can’t say for sure.

I am surprisingly pregnant 9 years after our loss. I saw a locum ob a couple weeks ago and along with the wait and see and cerclage options she added in pessary but I haven’t found a lot of information on pessary for IC. Just wondering if anyone has any experience?