Long but I need advice


I was induced 4 days ago at 37 weeks due to preeclampsia and i had a really long labor that lasted 24 hours! I was burnt out after, and this is my first baby. So my mom suggested i move in with her for two weeks until im back on my feet (i have horrible pain from the tears). I was reluctant at first because my mom and I don’t get along all that great, but we are on okay terms! I’m also very much in love with my husband and we haven’t been apart at all since we got together 3 years ago.

Anyway, i said yes because my husband works really late hours and I won’t have help until 20th of January when our nanny is supposed to start!

Now its been only 2 days of me at my moms, and it’s been absolutely miserable! The room im staying in is my sister’s old room and the mattress is really old and it’s literally killing my back. My stitches are starting to get worse because i cant get comfortable at night or when im breastfeeding. But what really triggered everything was that she dismisses everything i say when it comes to my son and does whatever she thinks is right, down to his feelings and what he wears.

Now, mind you if i wasn’t hormonal I would’ve let it go, but my hormones are taking over and I don’t want to stay a second more.

The problem is my mom loves to emotionally blackmail me into doing what she wants. When i told her i was going back home to my husband she cried and said that i never loved living with her and that im doing this to hurt her, when all she wants is to take care of her first grandchild. I told her when my son is older i will bring him all the time to her house and she can come to my house to baby sit any time. But she refuses to come over, not now not ever! She says it’s degrading for her 😩

I’m so torn about this, i keep crying everytime i talk to my husband. I miss him so much. He visits everyday but its not the same, he has always been my rock and the best support system i could ask for. My MIL, who i love very much, offered to come and help after i told her what’s going on. But she doesn’t my mom to get upset.

My question is, what would you do? My last bit of compromise was to stay till Friday so at least my husband will be there for the first two nights, my mom was not pleased at all🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️