I’m completely done **UPDATE**

DeNika • 30. 💍.

WOW, so it’s been almost two years since I made this post 😊. UPDATE TIME!!!

♥️ God still remains the head of my life, even though sometimes I feel like He’s facepalming when I do certain things. 😂 I’m His child, He knows I’m a little different.

♥️ We closed on our first home August of 2019

♥️ I lost almost 20lbs, then gained it all back after a kerfuffle with depression during Lockdown 🙃, but I’m back on track and have lost 6lbs this far.

♥️ Y’all I TRAVELED. Not international, however to Chicago (shopped), NC (2x), Alabama, New York, and planning a trip to Puerto Rico, Paris & Africa (Won’t happen anytime soon because.. COVID).

♥️ I accepted a new position at a new organization recently and didn’t have ALL of the educational qualifications but baby, An amazing personality coupled with experience 😉. Gets you places!!!!

♥️ The sex... whew.. CHILE.. ✨

♥️And relationships have flourished, I have an amazing counselor who has been one of the best self care decisions ever! #NormalizeTherapy.

♥️ I’m genuinely happy. I smile and mean it, I have my moments but who doesn’t? I’m not where I was.. and I’ve started knitting 😂

✨✨ Just wanted to share, y’all be safe.

Happy Holidays!


I can’t take the heartbreak and stress anymore.

I’m done trying.

I’m so tired of the constant crying... the breakdowns..

I don’t want to spend anymore time obsessing about conceiving and not enjoying life..

In 2019, as bad as I want to be a mother I can’t let it consume me anymore.

Here’s to traveling, enjoying sex with my husband, weightloss, buying a house, getting my degree and not allowing this journey to keep me from living life to the fullest.

Here’s to trusting God, showing His love to others, and nourishing healthy relationships.

However, if God decides this is my year.. I will without a doubt still do everything thing I listed... I’m reclaiming my JOY in 2019.