Advice needed

Long last night my husband and I got into a huge fight ended with him throwing me across the room in front of our 2.5 year old daughter (we have a 2.5 year old and a 6 month old) I called the cops, he was arrested and we went to a hotel. My daughter since we got to the hotel has been asleep from 7am woke up about 3pm was up for an hour and now is back to sleep. I know her seeing all that she saw last night put a lot of stress on her and scared her a lot and on top of that she’s got a cold/ stomach bug. Is this her way of dealing with the stress? Should I be worried how long she is sleeping? How long is too long? She was ripped from my arms by him and he did have a very strong hold on to her but I didn’t see any marks on her from this, she did point to her tummy before falling back to sleep but when my mom asked her if it hurt she shook her head no,(she’s non verbal ,always has been non verbal)