I don't know what else Todo

When I was little I was terrified of my dad. I had dreams of someone doing stuff to me. I thought they were just dreams. I remember thinking and being told it ok to walk around naked only when it's your parents. I remember that my mom was away and my dad told me to get naked and sit on his lap he touched and I told my mom she said to keep my mouth shut. I have till just recently. CPS was called accusing my husband (kids step father) of touching my youngest. They talked to both girls and they said it never happened. I found out that my dad on the other hand let's my 10 year old daughter who's developed and my 5 year old daughter run around naked and sleep in the same bed as him and my mom they wear there underwear and apparently he wear just his underwear. I told the cps worker that she looked at me and goes no your lying you just want to keep the girls away from there grandparents and it's not going to happen.

Update. I refuse to let my parents have the girls. My ex-husband on the other hand let's them watch them. Also CPS received and anonymous call they talked to my daughters and they said he never did anything. As for them being scared. I told the cps could have fooled me cause when we pick them up they run to him not me and when putting them to bed they ask him to do it and my oldest has said before that my husband is around more then her real dad. But when it comes to us they don't like it her with us sometimes because we discipline and don't let them have anything they want. We also make them do chores and have a bed time. O ya I also for got my ex works out of town. Week on week off and his wife drops them off with grandparents. When he is gone