No one understands breastfeeding!


I am a FTM of a 12 week old son, we exclusive breastfeed, and I couldn't be happier with how we have done. We have such a beautiful bond, he hasn't gotten sick, and is gaining so well. I am however getting increasingly irritated and my husband, our families, and some friends. No one seems to know much about breastfeeding and I get discouraging comments and pushy suggestions- "just give him a bottle so he sleeps better at night," "maybe your milk isn't good enough to keep him full all night", "put cereal in his bottle", "why can't you just give him a bottle?", "are you feeding him again?!", etc. No one seems to get that I would need to get up to pump anyway. They give me weird looks and act like this is some kind of crazy thing we're doing. I want to breastfeed for at least a year if not two; I can't imagine what they will say if they catch me nursing a toddler. Ugh anyone else?