Big scare, bigger blessing 🙏🏼


This could be a little TMI, but... I’m sharing anyway because it’s a praise report!

Thursday night I rushed to the ER because I had a massive gush of blood and heavy bleeding around 10 pm. I was petrified and My fiancé was at work. I called him and he met me at the hospital. On my way I called my mother and my sister who both prayed aloud with me. Both of them spread the word and had others praying for us. I went to one hospital where they checked for active bleeding. There was none. I was then immediately transferred to another hospital that had a perinatal unit to admit and monitor me. So by the time I got to the second hospital the bleeding had completely stopped all together. I get there and the doctors check me again saying that they can’t seem to find where any bleeding was coming from. 2 a.m rolls around and they discharge me only to have me come back later that day for an extensive ultra sound.. after long talks with God and lots of other people praying for us we went in to the ultrasound appointment. Once there they did an abdominal and an internal ultrasound to rule every possibility out for the bleeding and..... NOTHING. None of our doctors were able to find anything that caused it or any reasoning behind it. We were told that everything looks perfect by 3 different doctors and that they basically couldn’t explain it. Right here is one happy momma. So not

only did we find out how perfectly healthy Weston is, we found out that he is weighing almost 2 lbs and is measuring 2 weeks and 2 days ahead 😩💙♥️🤗☺️ God is so good y’all. I was petrified the moment I saw red and my heart and mind raced a million directions and all I could do was have faith, believe and plead to God to keep my baby safe and save him from whatever my body was doing. He did. He healed me past 100% to the point where no doctor could give an explanation. Just wow! We are very blessed and overjoyed!