Return of period

Katie • My name is Kate and I just gave birth to our beautiful daughter February 17th 2016. She is our world and we couldn`t feel anymore blessed❤ I am currently pregnant with our July 2018 baby!

I have so many questions tonight! So I went through two bouts of BV then went to the doc on Thursday and was told I had a slight yeast infection. I took Diflucan and I assumed all was well until today when I wipe its mixed with pink...I EBF so I’m not sure if this is my period...breakthrough bleeding (is that a thing while BF) I took a home vaginal test that tests for infection and it was negative so I guess I’m just confused🤷‍♀️🤔 Is a period different while breastfeeding?

Also I just looked at my calendar and 4 weeks exactly this happened...I had just started the BV gel treatment so when stuff came out it was old blood looking mixed with some pink...hmmm