
Is there any mommas that had to have the steroid shots in your hips to go ahead and boost babies lungs? i had to have them

I’m 33 W

days and I’m basically couch bound for

“Pre term labor” I’m dilated 2 cm and between 40-50% thinned out they are thinking she’ll be here mid January,

did anyone end up making it full term even after having the shots or end up going early and baby be perfectly fine?

I have switched to weekly appointments I go back Friday to be checked again I’m hoping she doesn’t decide to come till the End of Jan but as long as she is healthy that’s all that matters to me. This is baby #2 my first came at 37 weeks.

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Posted at
I had it at 33 weeks and they kept me in hospital until 34 weeks I left hospital with 3cm and 60%effaced, was checked on Friday at 36 weeks still the same.


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I had to go to the hospital because contractions wouldn't stop on December 12th at roughly 33 weeks. We got discharged on the 14th and steroid shots just in case. We went back into the hospital on the 26th with more severe and painful contractions, doctors worked to stop them again. At this point they just want me to try to make it to 37 weeks. We shall see what happens...but our little love bucket seems like she wants to join the world. We are confident in the medical advances and will be ok if she decides to make an early appearance 😍 Good luck to you!


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I had PTL stopped at 31.4 weeks and received the steroid shots. I’m 34 weeks now and feel tons better and way less nervous about her coming too early. It took about a week for me to start feeling comfortable enough to walk around because I was still contracting here and there. But now I don’t contract very much at all and if I do, they’re mostly Braxton Hicks. Make sure to stay well hydrated. I find that helps a ton. Also, get a maternity belt. This is my 3rd and my first 2 came at 38 & 37 weeks. Last I knew I was 1cm and 50% effaced but that was before I had an hour long episode of preterm labor contractions so I’m probably even more so now. I feel confident I’ll make it to at least 36/37 weeks


Joy • Dec 31, 2018
Are you drinking loads of water? If they pick back up in frequency and are that intense, I would head back into L&D for monitoring


Kennedy • Dec 31, 2018
I wish I wasn’t contracting anymore. Mine have been consistent 5-10 min apart or less for hours then space out. Now they are 15-30min but can’t talk through them and get tears in my eyes no matter what.


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I got them at 31+ weeks. He was born at 34+1 and required no NICU time. My first I got them about 32 hours before she was born at 33+6 and she was in NICU 3 nights for jaundice only.


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I got it at 33+6 for preterm. Been bedrest since. I am now 36+2, been having prodromal labor but baby is still in


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I had it with my first when I was in labor 2 months early. He went full term. I had this tho time with my 3rd and he will be born at 37 weeks (or before, but hoping got 37 weeks).