Would you be kinda cheesed too?

My boyfriends sisters have a child each, both 2 years old. We all live in the same house. I have a one and a half year old. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 5 years. Anyway, for christmases and birthdays I try to buy their kids nice gifts. Expensive (+$40) good-quality gifts that I know the kids will actually enjoy. For my son they don’t spend no more than 20 dollars each. This Christmas from one sister he got cheap cloth hand puppets from Walmart and some light up balls in a pack of 3. For his birthday he got from an ugly outfit from Walmart (and I’m not judging, they sell cute clothes there), but it had to be the ugliest one, probably because it was the cheapest. I wouldn’t care if she did this to the other child too, but she doesn’t. For Christmas she got her daughter and the other little boy cool bouncing animals they can bounce on. When my boyfriend asked why she didn’t buy one of those for our son her excuse was “oh I thought he wasn’t coordinated”. I guess I’m mostly hurt that I’m willing to buy nice things for their kids and they buy cheap things for mine. Would you be upset too? Thanks!