**WARNING TMI** Birth Story Of My Perfect Little Jensen!👶🏻 FTM.

Brittany • 03/05/15💑 07/27/18👪 07/25/22👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

On July 23rd of this year I wake up in the morning and head to the bathroom, its just a typical morning so far. It being the middle of summer (I just turned 38 weeks pregnant on this day) I was feeling SOO ready to have my baby boy. I go to pee and when I wiped there was blood!! And a bit too, like a heavy period is how I could describe it. Of course I panicked knowing bleeding this far into pregnancy is NOT normal.

So I head to this ER they find my baby's heart beat immediately which was such a huge relief, and he was still doing perfectly fine in there. I was about 3 1/2 centimeters dialated at point, I believe.

Well, my SO and I had the did the deed the night before which could have very well been the cause of the bleeding. (So I was told.) I go home and by the next day my bleeding had completely stopped.

The rest of the week I just felt... Off. Like I just had a feeling something was going to happen soon...

And it did! Thursday morning of that week I wake up with contractions around 3-4 minutes apart. So of course I had already been packed and ready to go.

We head to the hospital and by this point I'm 4 1/2 centimeters dialated and 100% effeced. Contractions still are not too strong at this point. Around 6 PM that night I received my epidural which hurt SO bad. When receiving it I also learned I have scoliosis. For some strange reason the epidural didnt seem like it was working. I felt all of the contractions and was having terrible back labor.

By 2 AM I was feeling miserable, nauseous, getting physically sick. Both mine and the baby heart rates had rose so I was told not to push unless I felt like I needed too. I believe I was about 8 cm dilated at this point. So I didnt push because i didn't feel the need to..

By 4:30 AM it was finally time to push after 24 minutes of pushing my baby boy was born at 38+4 weighing 7 lbs 11 oz and 20 1/2 long!

When he had came out he had difficulties breathing. After about 30 of them helping him and giving him oxygen minutes he let out his first cry!💕

And I got to hold him! ❤

Shortly after we got sent to recovery we find out my poor baby boy had hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) with a low reading of 27. So he had to be taken to the NICU to get an IV inserted to help stabalize his blood sugars. We never found out why he did as I didn't have diabetes during my pregnancy. Which is usually the cause.

After a week in the NICU he got to come home! So thankful he didnt have to stay longer.. And so grateful my baby boy is now perfectly healthy and happy!!

He just recently turned 5 months is my little chunk.. (Almost 19 lbs) 😂😊

So that was my birth story. I've been wanting to share but just found the time the type this out.. I hope you enjoyed! 💕💕