Didn't know my husband was like this

I recently cleaned out my closet. There were a few pieces that were in good condition to sell so I decided to post it to a buy and sell group for cheap. My husband looked at my pile of "to sell" clothes and said "you can't sell this".

I asked him "why not?". And he replied "because this shirt is what you wore when we first met" then pointed to another two pieces and said "and I like this one and that one on you. It looks good." So I said okay he can keep the one with sentimental value

BUT the other two pieces I said no I'm not going to keep them. They literally have not been worn in the past two years and it's just taking up space in my closet.

BUT THEN his stubborn ass argued with me and pushed aside my clothes in my closet to MAKE SPACE for two useless pieces of clothing

So to be fair I said let me try and sell it first, if no one wants it then we'll keep them and donate the rest of the clothes. He leaves the room and I thought that was the end of it.

Two minutes later I get a notification saying someone had bought my two items we were bickering about.

I searched the buyer information.....