Not sure whether to feel guilty or pleased that Fletcher settles to sleep on his own

Natalie • Midwife. 29. Mama to Clea 👧🏼❤️ & Freddie 👶🏼❤️ Wife to Elliott 👰🏼❤️

I’ve never been a fan of the idea of ‘crying it out’. Letting a small baby cry and cry and cry is just something I couldn’t bring myself to do ever, with either baby. But his morning nap is getting more and more difficult to settle him myself especially as I still need to get dressed, get Clea dressed, do our teeth, tidy up the morning chaos, put the washing away... the list goes on. So I let him whinge himself to sleep. He wasn’t full on crying but I put him in the crib and he whinged and whinged and whinged until he dropped off... and now I feel a teeny bit guilty, which is ridiculous isn’t it?