Forced to go to family party.

Any advice is greatly appreciated, thank you xx

To start off I’m a quiet, shy, introverted teen in a family full of loud extroverts. My problem is that my aunt and uncle are hosting a party for New Year’s <a href="">Eve</a>, I have lots of cousins and aunts/uncles so it is always loud and crazy.

I usually end up sitting in an empty room with my two other quiet cousins eating crisps and going on our phones. Luckily for them they got out of going this year, so I’ll be on my own. I also can’t eat most of the food because I’m the only vegan and I’ve pointed this out to my parents so I’d be able to stay home and make my own food but they refused.

I would be perfectly happy being home alone (I’m old enough to be home alone) in my own company, chilling and watching Netflix or FaceTiming my internet friend.

I’ve asked politely to my parents if I could stay home and they refused and I’m being forced to go. I’m really disheartened and I’m feeling a bit frustrated, advice?