*2 days late* UPDATE 3 days late....

Julia • ❤01.25.14 💙01.08.16 👼05.28.19

I doubt ill get my faint lines, but, let's just pray Aunt flo stays away! Been TTC for #3 17 months! I feel like my body is trying to start my period, but, nothing yet. Fingers crossed ladies!!!!


I'm now 3 days late 2 negative tests and now it seems my period is no where in sight yet. I have been late before the most I've been late is 4 days an that was once way over a year ago. I was super stressed then. Though, this time I'm not under stress. Lately Im right on point with this app or a little early. The max id be late is 1 day. Which would be rare after the 4 days of being late. This is frustrating. 😣😣😣