What kind of boob implant?

Read first before choosing.

So I need your help. I am getting my boobs done next month and I was set on tear drop because I wanted a more natural look since my own boobs have a tear drop shape. But after last night I read this:

After reading that I am scared that will happen to me. And I wanted to know if anyone here has their boobs done and what implant you have and what has been your experience.

I’m scared that my boobs will look to fake with round implant.

P.s I am a 34B and i want to be a full C or small D. I am a mom in my late 20’s and I’m getting my boobs done because I have a lot of clothes sent to me that I need to model and take pictures and also because I’ve been wanting them for years but waited after baby’s. If anyone cares to know.

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