Complications after birth

I began having contractions at 1am on December 19th. Went in to the hospital when my contractions were 7 min apart to get the rest of my cerclage removed. Turns out there was still a big part of the cerclage in there.

Dec 20th they decided to break my water and tell me to punch the baby past the pelvic bone. After three hours of pushing and no success, I was given the option for a C section. I was extremely tired from all the pushing and pain but declined the csection. They mentioned that the pushing had made baby poop. I started to worry even more. They decided to put me in a dust position to get baby ready and that was even more painful than laying on back. I couldn’t take it anymore and decided to get c section.

Everything was ready for a C section and as I lay on the table i could feel all of the meds kicking in but I could still feel the tugging and I saw through a reflection when they took baby out of me. My husband rushed to to the baby and I couldn’t hear him cry. It was the worst feeling.

Soon after I hear the doctor say they would give me something stronger to make me feel better. I was gone and woke up in the recovery room. Turns out I had a hemorrhage after delivery and had lost a lot of blood.

The days after I had uncontrollable fever and the doctors didn’t know what was wrong with me. They gave me two blood transfusions which made me feel better but did not make the high fevers go away. After X-rays, tests and a DNC they found that the Ecoli bacteria that we have in our bodies had traveled to my uterus and was causing so much pain and fever. They also had to take out a piece of my cervix to test it for bacteria and it turned out it was growing there too.

I was in the hospital for a week taking antibiotics and for a whole day I wasn’t able to touch or feed my baby. I feel like I lost bonding with my baby that first week due to everything that was going on. I am thankful to have surpassed this and be home with my family now. I am also thankful I had to endure that pain and not my baby boy.

I hope no one has to go through this and if you are ever in a similar situation make sure to advocate for yourself. You know your body more than anyone else.