Fast first time delivery!

Mary • Mama to Wyatt, Kane, and Violet 💕🥰

Well last night was a wild night 😂 even the doctor and nursed weren't prepared for how fast things went when things got going on lol

Got to the hospital a but after midnight and got in a room and everything a little before 3. Was given some IV meds to help me get rest before starting pitocin. I was only pitocin for about 2 hours and contractions picked up after and hour. They came in to check me and I went from 2-4- fully dilated and ready to push in minutes, not time even for an epidural. With only laughing gas he was out with maybe 5 sets of 3 pushes and a second degree tear and some other preforation . For now these are the only pictures I have but once I'm able to get it and around on my own I'll have more pictures.

He was born 6:52am ❤️