Inducing with balloon


So this morning I came in to get induced. At 11 they inserted a balloon and gave me oral misoprostol.

Let me tell you the first 4 hours I was in excruciating pain! Contractions kept coming in every 2 minutes until recently that they finally spaced out. I really wanted them to take the balloon out but I kept telling myself I could do it and so far it still in.

They will be coming in at 6 to give me another misoprostol. Hoping by then the ballon has fallen off and I have dilated to 3 so they can start me on pitocin.

Update: so around 7 pm the balloon finally came off and I started with the bloody show. They gave me another misoprostol around 10 pm and was dilated to 3 and my cervix was still high. They just came to check me again at 330 am and no change what so ever. So they gave me another misoprostol. I’m hoping that when they come in at 9am ish my cervix has shorten so they can start me on pitocin.