Lost all pregnancy symptoms



I’m 36 and 10w4d had my first sonogram at 7w3d and saw the little bean and heartbeat. So exciting! I’ve had minor morning sickness at all times of the day, exhausted, and sore boobs... random growing cramps and now, for the past three days... nothing. I feel great. This being my first pregnancy has me all sorts of worried. Is this.l normal? I know symptoms sometimes go away during your second trimester but I’m not quite there yet. It has me googling everything possible to ease my mind and all I keep thinking is it could be a missed miscarriage. I want to stay positive but my next appointment isn’t for over a week away and I’m going crazy just want reassurance my little bean is ok

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Posted at
I wouldn’t worry, though I understand why you feel that way. It’s totally normal for symptoms to go away as your pregnancy progresses :)


Puja • Jan 1, 2019
This is what I heard from my mother too... each day each trimester is different.. good luck and think positive 👍🏻


Stephanie • Dec 31, 2018
Thank you I will!


Alex • Dec 31, 2018
I would post on the pregnancy forum for more specific information :-)


Posted at
Stop stressing yourself, leave yourself alone and wait for your next appt....before you know it you're gonna be like it's time for you to come out little dude....stop it.


Posted at
It’s normal!!!!