Should I send the message? Looooong

Hey y’all, I need some major advice. This is something that has been on my spirit. Typically I would just react and say something but I’m actually considering all the factors. Soooooooo here’s the story

Last year my boyfriend of seven years proposed to be me in Barbados! The day he proposed I went ahead and sent them a message saying that “Choc” proposed and I gladly accepted and wanted them to be the first to know before I posted on social media. Now I’m not asking you to fall at my feet and praise me. Yet, this is something we as “sisters” talked about for years on end. “Penny” sent that she was so happy and that she loved us so much. “Petty” sent a stale ass congratulations. I thought it was extremely weird for her to respond that way,especially since she’s under peoples post on Facebook saying how happy she is for them and blah blah blah, even for the smallest accomplishments. But... I chalked it to the game and continued my vacation. We make it back home and now it’s time for the work to start. So naturally you begin to plan a wedding and start to contact the people ahead of time you want apart of your day. For me, I’m always the friend that’s on the go. A lot of times I try and include my friends but it’s never affordable for them. So for the wedding, I wanted to give a good enough heads up being that the wedding was going to be in Puerto Rico,especially if you were going to be in the wedding. With more than a year to plan, I sent the text messages to my two best friends. Mind you these aren’t random girls I met a few years ago, these are two girls I have been friends with since we were preteens. They’ve never had an issue with my fiancé ever. So we are casually talking about dresses in the drop text and Petty says so where and when is the wedding. I give time date and place. Let me add in this particular date was fourteen months ahead of time. Her text back was “I’ll see if I can be there smh”. Penny says she’ll be there. A three hundred dollar plane ticket is not impossible to get. Plus when you know someone for more than half their life you can tell their tone in a message. My response back was “if you really want to be there, you’ll find a way.” She made countless more excuses, yet none of them were valid. Kind of like my dog ate my homework style excuses. Like miss me with the bullshit. She then gets offended by my response and says “what do you mean?are you saying I wouldn’t to be there?” I said what I said. Now in any other situation coming from anyone’s mouth her previous response would be understandable if she had an understandable reason. But it was many things leading up to this day that made me believe she was jealous.

This was a relationship where if you saw one of us you saw all three of us. At the beginning of 2016 I begin have some female problems and ended up having to have emergency surgery. A few days before having surgery my boyfriend and I decided that we needed a break but he would still be there for me with whatever came with my upcoming doctors visit. My visit resulted in me having to have a transfusion and emergency surgery. Petty decided that she wanted to be there and didn’t want me going through it alone and I was letting her know that Choc would be there as well. She made the comment for what? Y’all are on a break. That was weird to me. After my surgery, when I was sent home m, choc came over to help take care of me and was sent away by Petty while I was knocked out. Saying I didn’t want him there and it’s no need for him to be here. It’s just gonna make it worse. Mind you I didn’t find this out until later, like as of recently. When I asked him why he didn’t come he said something came up and he would tell me later and not to worry because I had enough going on. Well time went by and we got back together he moved back in and everything was well. At the end of 2016 we bought this really nice townhouse. Now this isn’t our first move so we are damn near professionals. At the beginning of that year Petty lived with us for months on end because of some things going on in her parents home. I came home one day and she was just gone. I asked her if everything was okay and she said yeah everything at home is good. My thing is if you wanna talk about it okay but I’m not going to force you to talk about anything. So I left it alone. After that I didn’t hear from her for months. She randomly called me one day and asked if I could do her hair for an event and of course if I can help I will. So she comes over to the new house for the first time after we had been living there for months, because she needed something. So a few months later in April we had a crawfish boil and of course I’m going to invite my friends. Her golden birthday comes around and that’s not something everybody makes a big deal of but we grew up and it was a big deal. So I make it a big deal for my loved ones. I planned a day for all kinds of surprises. I got her a giant cookie cake saying happy golden birthday. She was mad because it had icing on it. Like seriously. They had plans for the weekend but I was already going to an Erykah Badu concert. She literally waited until the last minute to say something because the original plan was she was going nothing that weekend. In this time her car breaks down and her parents buy her a used car and she wasn’t happy about it because it’s not what she wants. So once again don’t hear from them in months and it’s my fiancé’s birthday and I’m planning a surprise party. So I text them Penny can’t come which she tells me when I’m pulling up at the restaurant and Petty says she’s coming. Now that day was hella stressful because my grandfather decided to bless me with a brand new car for my 23rd birthday but just a few months earlier. I’m not one to brag. So I’m not going to text somebody and say guess what I got a new car. So as we are leaving the restaurant she follows us to the car and says must be nice to get a new car again for the third time. So instead of going off I responded in a joking matter, Don’t be a hater all your life. She chuckled and went about our business. Months go by again she called for my birthday. That was it. No matter where any of us go we always send a text asking what kind of souvenir they want. So I text them saying we were going to a series of islands and I wanted to know what they wanted. Her response was didn’t y’all just go somewhere in July. What difference does it mane. Do you want something or nah? We leave for our trip and we have a great time. This is when I get engaged. So since August of last year they have not texted called nothing. Every birthday I’ve texted because I’m not going to be evil just because. No communication yet Petty can like dumb shit I’d repost on Facebook. Never liked a picture of me and fiancé a picture of me nothing. Like you’re telling me you’re a hater. So penny posts on Facebook for Christmas that she’s pregnant and I had to find out that way and Petty is under the post about how happy she is.

I’m very vocal about when I don’t Like something. I’ve let them know I had an issue with how they’ve acted and gotten no response. The new year doesn’t mean anything to me so that’s not why I’m saying something. My health has since declined drastically and I want to express to everyone how I feel about them. If something was to happen to me I want to leave this earth with no regrets and letting people know exactly how I feel and not wondering. I want to be able to send one last message whether they respond or not. I want to be able to tie my heart and be done.

If y’all were in this situation, what would you say?

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