double coverage insurance? pros, cons?


asking you guys because internet reviews are too broad ranged and i trust what people have actually gone through, the 1 star ratings vs just the 5 star ratings etc.

i’ll try to explain the situation as best i can-here are the facts:

-i got married about 8 months ago to an active duty solider and therefore covered by marriage by his insurance

-i am 23 and covered under my parents insurance through my dads work and the affordable care act (apparently)

QUESTION: long story short i found out that no matter what, till i’m 26 i can be on my fathers insurance which leads me to ask what are the benefits/pros, and cons of having double coverage?

i mostly use my husbands insurance now that my medication and what not is cheaper, but my dads insurance had added itself to my account on a hospital app and realized i had double coverage after verifying it was my dads policy number. i have the option to “remove” it but i think no matter whether or not i remove it on the account it would probably show back up. (since it added itself in the first place)

the only way from preventing that from happening is if i have him remove me from his insurance. it doesn’t save him money whether or not i am because he pays for the family plan so that doesn’t help me decide really either.

the only con that i know of would be the “who pays the bill” game... aka each insurance is claiming the other should be responsible for such bill.

would love to hear personal experiences dealing with double coverage. love it? hate it?