Chest infection hell ... happy new year! 🥳


Urghhh after suffering for over a week with horrendous coughing sneezing and spluttering and no sleep, i finally got the docs to prescribe antibiotics.

I manage to drag my ass out for a curry with the family to celebrate the new year, come home and the minute I’m lying down (couldn’t even make it to midnight here to celebrate) the coughing starts to the point I make myself sick and as if that isn’t enough my pregnant body decided to not hold on to my wee at the same time... not sure I’ve ever been in such a mess. 😫 didn’t know whether to laugh or cry!

It’s a good job this sticky bean is worth it, I tell you! Hoping this isn’t the start of things to come in 2019! Ha ha wishing all you June mummy’s a Happy New Year!