Baby fever and depression hitting hard. SOMEONE TALK TO ME. 😭😭

So I'm a Facebook addict and I love watching baby videos on there because hey, who wouldn't? Well there's this family on Facebook that I follow that are my favorite. They're page is called "Cold and Sav Labrant Family". YOU GUYS THIS COUPLE IS SO PERFECT, HAPPY, AND THEY LOVE PRAYING FOR THINGS THEY WISHED THEY HAD/THANKING GOD FOR THE THINGS THEY HAVE. This couple was really wanting another baby and they already had a little girl that the guy treated as it was his on when she was biologically his. Well they prayed to God that they hoped they got a positive pregnancy test and turns out, THEY DID!! I followed them throughout their pregnancy and they had their baby about 5-6 hours ago!! I'm bawling my eyes out because I've been trying for almost 8 months for baby #2 and I feel like there's no hope. 😭💔Yes, 8 months isn't as long as most of you, and to you that have been trying longer, I hope you get the baby dust you need! But to me, 8 months is a long time. My birth control ended on May and I never went back for a shot. And my boyfriend (my son's father) was iffy about having another baby right now because he not only has our 2 year old son, but he also has a 7 week old daughter that has health conditions (heart murmur). But here recently I've been nauseous (probably worrying my self sick) and he thought that I might be pregnant so he went and bought 4 tests. We got home and he immediately says "go take one. Maybe you'll have your girl that you want" I felt like he's saying I don't care about my son when he's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I love my son to death. But I ask him "what do you mean by that? What do you mean when you say maybe you'll get the daughter you want?" He said " I mean you want a girl, maybe your pregnant and maybe we can have a girl together. " He tells me "go take a test now and take one in the morning" I said "what about the other two tests? " and he says " you can take them later on when we continue to try. " I feel like he doesn't want another baby due to his childish baby mother that has his daughter. She tells him, knowing were still together, that she loves him still. And she makes fun of me to him. And he doesn't defend me. She tells him that if I'm in the house when he wants to video call, then he's not gonna video call to see his daughter. She tells him that he can't see the baby as long as I'm around him. BUT I LIVE WITH HIM. She gets mad that we take pictures together when we are naked but covered up with blankets and she told him that she couldn't stand seeing pictures of a bitch naked in the bed with him (I'm the birch she was talking about.) She never says anything to my face but talks and crap about me to my boyfriend/her baby's father that she NEEDS TO GET OVER. And she takes it to the extent to where she causes me and my boyfriend problems. I know that if he didn't want a baby, he wouldn't be telling me we could continue to try. And he would make me get back on birth control. I just need to hear some encouraging words from you strong women out there. 😔💔 I just feel like I'm trying to hard... Tips/notes on how to higher my chances of pregnancy is most appreciated. No negative comments. TIA!💙