Traumatic Birth Making Me Not Want More Kids

My husband and I had always talked about having at least 3 kids... well this year we unexpectedly found out we were going to have a baby! We are still pretty young (22&25) and it was a shock. Well in September we welcomed our baby boy and it was really really rough. My husband was gone while I labored at home alone basically because he was in total denial I was in labor... when we finally got to the hospital I was 9 CM and unable to get pain meds. I was in so much pain I was passing out. I then pushed for 6 hours because my son was stuck. My midwife was on vacation. The nurses were rude and extremely unhelpful and my husband (who is usually incredible) was not being very supportive and I just felt I did the whole thing alone.. I held my own legs to push most of the time. It terrified me. It still terrifies me. I have since made some comments about no more kids and tonight he shocked me by getting emotional and crying telling me he wanted to have more babies with me and that he wanted to have a bigger family with me.... I cant even explain the mix of love, excitement, and terror it made me feel. Has anyone else experienced something like this? I want more kids but I am so so scared of going through something like that again...