I don't know how to feel...

So when I was about 8.5 months pregnant I saw a snap chat on my husband's phone from some chick.. It wasn't pretty.. Of course with the hormones I was losing my mind.. Sobbing.. Just plain hurt and feeling betrayed. I asked my husband to delete the app and I threatened to leave.. But the thought of taking his children away broke me. I found this wench on FB amd messaged her.. She sent me screenshots of their snaps... And I cant get those pictures out of my head.. According to both of them they were only talking for 10 days.. But it doesnt matter.. Since then we have been working it out. Theres too much time and kids involved to throw in the towel. But the thought of those pictures are that he did it creeps up in thr back of my mind more often then not.. Im not going to leave him but it hurts my heart.. Makes me question alot of things.. I just need some positive vibes sent my way please.. Please no harsh judgment..