🥳 happy new year!!

Jasmine • Happy wife happy life! Lol 🤔 Do you have sc? If so follow me @Dolly_Amore

Happy new year to all the New moms ! To all the ladies out there like me that didn’t get their positive in 2018 ! To those that have been waiting for 4 years like me and keep on hoping to have a beautiful miracle 😭💜 to all those women that have lost a baby and gained an angel .. I love you all and I hope and wish the best to you ladies this 2019 and that we get our Big FAT POSITIVE This year!! If you drink don’t drive ! Let’s keep our fur babies safe from the fireworks 💥 and let’s keep the negative energies in 2018.... goodbye to all the drama and the baby momma drama ! If she don’t love me idgaf and she gonna have to look at me all the damn time! Lol 😂 let’s move pass the drama and get closer to god .. anyways I hope I get my BFP this year it’s what I’m hoping for and to have a stress free year with all my love ones around