Could someone give me some advice please?


Hi ladies,

Went to hospital last night due to bleeding and moderate cramps where they did a pregnancy test and said I wasn’t pregnant even though I had 4 positive test (2 Xmas day & 2 Boxing Day, all strong lines and clear blue digital telling me how far pregnant I was) they just sent me on my way with no explanation or blood tests, they were so unsympathetic. I’ve done a lot reading online and think I’m currently having a chemical miscarriage (was 4 weeks 4 days) found out I was pregnant on Christmas Day. Super excited and now totally devastated on New Year’s Day.

Would I class this bleed as a late period or wait for my next cycle to start charting my periods again?

Love and hugs to everyone going through a miscarriage must be so hard for those who were further along in their pregnancy.