How soon after did your cycles balance back to what was normal for you?


I had a missed miscarriage at 16.5 weeks. I went to find out the sex at a 3D ultrasound but that day ended very different for me. We found the baby had stopped growing after 12.5 weeks and had to have a D&C August 1 of 2018. Ever since I feel my hormones are out of whack and my luteal phase is short and all over the place. The doctor just thinks it takes time although she ordered a blood test just to update my file and "cross all T's and dot all i's". I've heard so many women get pregnant fairly quickly and just when I thought my body was back to what's normal for me, yet I had another 8 day luteal phase with such a heavy period! I'm on my 5th cycle and started taking vitamins and herbs like vitex. I'm really just wanting to hear positive feedback after similar situations. Needs some glimmer of hope.

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