Potty training


So my girl is almost fully potty trained! 👏🏻 So pumped. She pees every time on the potty, even when we’re out & about. Doesn’t even wet overnight lately!

Poop is tougher. She has had a couple accidents in her undies, but I think is getting used to the potty routine, so she hasn’t lately. She used to wait until bed time when a diaper goes on & go in it, but hasn’t done that either. She has gone poop on the potty a few times recently, and I praise her to no end.

But the past two days, she hasn’t been pooping much at all. It’s like she holds it. She keeps saying her butt hurts & she tells me she has to to potty, but she sits there & nothing happens. She must sit on the potty 100 times a day.

I don’t know if she’s just holding it or what, but she used to poop at least once a day. It’s been two days now with no poop at all. Is anyone else going through this with their toddler?