Help! Bleeding and Clot while on Pill

I’m 16 years old and i began to take birth control on (Dec10) and i’ve NEVER missed a pill and have always taken it at the exact same time. Last night, (Dec. 31) I took the last “real” pill in the pack before the placebo week starts. After i took my pill last night, i layer experienced light brown bleeding. It was very light and quickly went away. This was the very first time i’ve bled on the pill. I was scheduled to begin my period around (Dec 20) but obviously didn’t due to the pill. I just thought it was breakthrough bleeding but this morning when i went to the toilet, a very long, thin, light brown “clot” came out. It was about 5 inches long and once again, light brown in color. None of the blood i’ve had yesterday or today has been red or pink in any way, just very light and brown and skanty accompanied with extremely light cramping. not painful at all. I’ve only ever had protected sex before and during my use of birth control. I’ve had the same sexual parter and use condoms even on the pill. I’m just wondering why the light bleeding just began and it’s very on and off and barley there. What is this!