Failed glucose test

Caitlin • Here we go with baby #3!

Mostly this is me ranting. However if you have insight or experience please feel free to share.

I’m 27 weeks 1 day today. Took glucose test yesterday, got results this morning. Normal range is less than 130, mine was 161 🤦🏼‍♀️ I met a mama who is a pediatric nurse in the lab doing her three hour yesterday while I was there. Apparently the lab keeps you for those three hours, so I now get to find a sitter for my toddler so she doesn’t have to be stuck there. Anyone else fail their glucose the second time around and pass the three hour? I had tea with milk and honey for breakfast, but only had like 1/3 of a cup. Can’t imagine the honey is what pushed me over the limit, with a bagel and peanut butter.