Help my 4 week old son!


My husband and I have two children, a 3 year old daughter and a 4 week old son. Our problem is with my son...he never wants to sleep unless he's in someone's arms! I've tried everything; heating pad in his bassinet before he goes in so he doesn't notice temperature change, noise machine, rocking in the bassinet, swaddling, pacifiers... everything. I feed him on one side (BF), burp, change his diaper, feed on the other, burp, and wait until he's good and asleep to put him in the bassinet. (I've also tried when he's drowsy, but he wakes right back up!) He's only had two good sleep stretches in 4 weeks, once for 1 hour and once for 2 hours. Every other time, it's a stretch of maybe 20 to 30 minutes, and many times only 5. It takes an hour to go through his whole routine.

Last night I started laying him down after every feed, so he had a horrible night of sleep and he can barely nap today because he's so tired! How do you get a baby to sleep out of your arms? Everything I read says, "Make sure they get enough sleep!" While also saying, "Be consistent!" If I stay consistent, his naps get shorter and shorter, so he's over tired therefore won't sleep!

Please help me. I got two hours of sleep total last night. I'm exhausted and burned out. Nothing I try works...