

I'm driving myself crazy and need some advice. I'm 6 dpo. My boobs have been getting more and more tender over the last few days. They are only mildly painful at this point though and slightly itchy. My cm has been getting slightly heavier, creamier and white. I've been on and off mildly nauseous the past few days. I'm also really tired but last night was new years <a href="">eve</a> so thats expected and my back has been hurting more the past few days but I also have back problems so it could be coincidence. I just took a test even though I know its too soon to get a positive. I have also been feeling some different cramping going on, have had to go pee a ridiculous amount and have had cloudy urine. All of which could be signs of pregnancy. How do you keep yourselves from going crazy? It's been a few months and I'm already at the point of tears when I get negatives even though I know its coming. Should I test again tomorrow when I first wake up?