I’m worried I’ve gained too much!! 🤦‍♀️ !!!update!!! 😂

Kyrie • Mother to a sweet little girl 1/24/2019🌈👧🏼 expecting little Jellybean 12/2023 🤰🏻

I’m 32 weeks and 5 days.... so far this entire pregnancy I’ve gained 36 pounds. How much has everyone else gained? What’s a normal amount to even gain?

*My Update*...................

My daughter was born at 35 weeks due to preeclampsia. That was my 14 pound weight weight gain within 2 weeks in December and had another 20 lbs weight gain within 2 weeks in January the week before having my daughter. She’s now a happy almost 5 month old baby 🤦‍♀️😂