Need Advice for next Cycle!


1st cycle on Follistim was a bust... At least in my opinion it was. I been getting nothing but BFN since Saturday and tomorrow (2nd Jan) I'm suppose to call the clinic and give them an update. I'm going to ask for a blood beta to be safe because my sister never got a positive hpt till she was 6 weeks /7 weeks with all of her children. . If this cycle did fail I need advice tips on how to make the next cycle work... I know it didn't help with only having one follicle at 19mm. One of my ovary never responded, and the other was taking forever they said my lining was amazing on trigger day. We had timed intercourse the day before trigger, the day of trigger and the day after. Should we use preseed? Any vitamins that we both should be taking? I know stress is not good and Advil is not recommend. I'm off all muscle relaxers too.... Just need advice.. :(