boy oh boys

okay i need help. so there’s this boy and him&i have gotten super close bc of school. i told him i liked him and he said he wasn’t sure if he wanted a relationship and he didn’t want to ruin our friendship. he’d also just gotten out of a ‘thing’ with some girl. but he continues to flirt with me and text me. for example, right now we’re on winter break and he’s out of state and he hasn’t texted me for half of break then all of a sudden he texted me and has kept talking to me since. he said he missed me and couldn’t wait to see me when he got back. and i could just be over doing it but sometimes it just feels like he likes me back. it’s sounds so stupid, i know, but sometimes when he looks at me he looks with heart eyes ???? if that makes any sense. and it honestly just confuses me bc i don’t really care if he likes me back, i just want him in my life bc he’s become one of my best friends in the time we’ve known each other, but if he wants a relationship i’m more than down. he never said he needed time and he never said he didn’t like me he just gave me an empty answer. leaving me with more questions than answers. and i could just wait it out bc it wasn’t that long ago but all my friends are trying to set me up with people and i don’t want to wait for him bc it seems like a waste of time but i don’t see myself happy with anyone but him. i just need advice on what i should do !!!!!