You are too old to have kids now.


This is what I hear ALL THE TIME, you are too old to be trying to have kids. Im 42 and hubby is 48 we have no kids. We have however been trying for 7 years now and have experienced 4 losses. I think people can be really inconsiderate always speaking their opinions. We are very well capable of taking care of any babies that we will be blessed to have and who are you to speak on my ovaries?!?!?. Im also getting tired of being asked by anyone who knows we are trying if we can considered using a surrogate, again when did you become my doctor or when did I say that I cant carry my own child. People can very insensitive if its something they have never experienced. So please dont speak on the subject if you have no idea what we as women go through trying to bring a wonderful precious life into this world. Its not easy for everyone.