My birthing story, one year later.


It’s been a year since I have birth to my son, and it’s been hard to cope with how everything happen. But I’ve finally came to terms with how everything happened and I’m finally ready to talk about it. So bare with me, it’s going to be a long one.

December 22nd 2017, was a Friday and I was staying at my mothers house after having my baby shower in my hometown. My husband had just flown to his hometown in Wisconsin for a week but I was too nervous being that far away from our house with just a little over a month left before our baby was born. But that morning I woke up and stood up, and I felt the biggest gush I had ever felt, it was almost like I had peed myself, I rushed straight into the bathroom and realized that it was pinkish liquid. I automatically called my mom and together (three way called) the labor and delivery, I knew leakage is very common so I wanted to call before making this 3 hour trip back home to go to my hospital. Whenever I called the labor and delivery the lady that answered was incredibly rude to me, she didn’t ask for my name or anything (it’s post regulations that they ask your name so it’s on record whenever you come in for another visit), she then told me that leakage is common even if it’s extreme amounts at 35 weeks, and just wait until my next OB appointment. So I reluctantly said okay, even though I felt something was wrong. The rest of that day I leaked so much that I had to change my underwear 4 times and start wearing pads, I started crying to my mom telling her something wasn’t right. So she and I drove all the way back to my house, and from there went straight to labor and delivery, once we got there they were rude again. They asked me why I didn’t come in right away if I felt leakage and I explained that the lady at the front desk told me not to come in and just see my OB. So then she asked me why I came in then. But they did two test on me, the first one came back positive that it was amniotic fluid (the nurse said it came back negative, but my mom was watching and the strip turned bright blue like she said it would if it was positive) she then sent another down to the lab and that one came back negative. So she sent me home and said the leakage is normal and it’s nothing to worry about.

December 23rd 2017, I woke up and was rushing to the bathroom to do my normal morning pee whenever I felt another bust of water that went all down my legs and on the floor, I called my mom upstairs and she said that maybe I peed and it was just a little pink. So that whole day I’m just sitting around in pads leaking a whole bunch, and we leave to get my husband at the airport the next morning.

December 24th 2017, the leakage had slowed down but was still pretty decent. So as I was waiting for my husband at the airport (his flight got delayed but my mom flew out of the same airport so I decided to just stay) I called the nurse hotline, the nurse told me she didn’t know what it could be, or why this was happening but that I should just wait for my OB appointment and speak to my midwife.

December 25th 2017, we had a pretty quiet day the leakage was still pretty decent and my husband was questioning why it was still happening, I told him that everyone keeps telling me that it’s normal and to just wait it out.

December 26th 2017, it’s finally the day of my OB appointment I scheduled it for 800 am, god only knows why 🤦‍♀️ but I go straight in and tell her exactly what’s going on, and she immediately starts doing test, the first that takes a sample of the leakage on a test strip cams back positive for amniotic fluid. Then she looked at it under a microscope and said it didn’t look like amniotic fluid but that she’s sending me up to labor and delivery anyway. So I go straight up to labor and delivery figuring they’re going to send me straight home again. But the run another test and told me that indeed my water had broke. I was going to be admitted and induced that day. Everything was incredibly miserable and fast, my husband rushed over and called my mom. They started my IV, which was horrible, they couldn’t find my veins and ended up sticking me 6 times with needles trying to find a vein, my hand was swollen and bruised really bad by the time they were able to finally find a good vein. At 2 pm they started me on pitocin, they told me that there could be a negative side affect of me having contractions every minute. At 4 pm they checked to see how dilated I was because I was having small contractions but not feeling anything, they ended up popping a little bubble of water my son created with his head whenever he dropped and saw I was still only 1 cm dilated. From there everything felt like it was at full speed, I started having contractions every 45 seconds to 1 minute until 10 pm whenever I was finally 4 cm dilated and could get the epidural. I wanted to go all natural in my birth but having contractions that were hitting 215 on the monitor and only having 45 seconds in between had broken me down completely. So I finally got my epidural and was told to sleep because I needed to prepare, at 145 am I called for my nurse and told her I’m ready to push. She looked at me and said that there was no way I was ready yet, and I told her that I already felt like I was pushing like whenever I had to poop. She told me that she’d get the midwife but she was certain that I didn’t need to push. The midwife came in 10 minutes later, and checked to see if I was ready. Lo and behold I was ready to push! She rushed around to get everything prepared and told me not to push, I explained that was extremely hard because my body was doing it naturally. As we begin to push, the midwife told me to just hold my breath while I push after doing that twice, I stop and say I need to throw up. Everyone just looks at me like I’m crazy, and then I puke on myself right in the middle of pushing. No one said anything so I just started pushing again, 4 more pushes and my baby boy was here. Born December 27th, 2017 at 2:22 am, he was 6 lbs 3 oz 19 in long, but I only had 1 hour with him before he was shuffled away to get his blood culture checked, that hour I only got to hold him for 10 minutes because he had to get washed and weighed. But one year later, he’s a healthy little fighter who is everything I could ask for. But for all first time mothers, please listen to your gut. I was bullied around by everyone telling me I didn’t know what I was talking about since I was a first time mom and I was right the whole time.

When he was born ❤️

One month ❤️

Four months ❤️

7 months ❤️

11 months ❤️

And his first birthday ❤️❤️