New Year’s Resolution


My New Year’s Resolution is to say 3 nice things to my husband every day.

It seems so simple, and maybe it is something I should be doing already. In fact, I know it is.

I have such a hard time getting caught up in all the little things that I lose focus on the good things. I come home from work and notice that the poop in the yard isn’t scooped. But I fail to notice that all the trashes were taken out. I see some dirty clothes on the floor in the bedroom, but I fail to see that all the laundry I folded was put away before I came home.

My husband works so hard. He is such an amazing financial support for our little family. However, he is still an oblivious man half the time and doesn’t always recognize what I need from him emotionally. Between constant relocation and fertility issues, both of which cause emotional baggage, it’s amazing how fast one can lose sight of what we DO have and instead focus on everything that is wrong.

So, my New Year’s Resolution is to be nicer to my husband. He definitely deserves better than what I have been giving. He may be oblivious to my needs on many occasions but he would never intentionally do anything to hurt my feelings. So I’m going to do my best to return the favor.