Weaning help

Hayley • 25, mommy to Milo 👦🏻💙 and Ollie 👶🏼💗

Hi ladies, I am absolutely devastated but we’ve decided to wean my son. He is just over 3 months and since his last growth spurt he’s drinking 6+ ounces every 3 hours. I simply can’t keep up. He was already supplemented but now it’s like he needs 3-4oz of formula after a long feed, and it’s getting rough. He’s fussy and gurgly from switching back and forth all the time, my supply is dwindling because he’s getting lazy as well, and all together this seems like the best option. I know how to wean him, but how do I do it emotionally? I’ve started shutting myself down because I’m so depressed about stopping, although breastfeeding has been hard and painful for us I love the bond we have because of it and I don’t want to lose that. Any suggestions on how to get through these next few weeks without losing myself completely?