Emotional wreck at 42


Just been to collect blood and sperm test results and discuss the next phase of possible <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>.

My FSH level is 9.9ml/Uml which indicates the start of diminished egg supply.

Husband after a reversal 7 years ago and had 2 sperm tests. First one he produced 6 million. Second he produced 24 million. Of that he has some healthy swimmers but there are lots that are immotile.

If we go for the ICSI there is only a 5% chance of success!!! £7k.

Am I stupid in thinking it’s possible to get pregnant naturally ... just been informed it’s not possible... very little chance to get pregnant ... is it?

Should I go for ICSI only to be distraught after a failed process?

Don’t know what to do!

Can you guys help my thinking?

I’m very emotional.

Thankyou in advance xx