1st birthday options (read)


I'm really torn on what to do for LOs 1st birthday! If we do it at our house (which at home is my preference for a lot of reasons, napping, feels more personal, not having to load/unload things) we could really only invite our immediate family (our parents & siblings) which will still be about 20 people. We have some extremely close friends we'd really love to be there to celebrate but with families that would be another 20 people minimum! & I cannot fit 40 people in my house! If the weather was nicer we'd just set up outside & say the more the merrier, but with the current weather that's not an option.

So option 1 we do at home with just family.

2 we find some other place to have it (if we can without spending a ton of money) and invite everyone!

Or it did occur to me we could have a family then a friend party at home, but not sure what that would look like 🤷🏻‍♀️. My family will be traveling to be here so will likely be with us all weekend. I don't want to take time away from them... but I don't really want to have parties 2 different weekends.

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