Skin problems


Just to start off my son goes to the doctor in a few days but I’m worried in the mean time. So about a week or so after he was born he developed baby acne on his cheeks. We all know that’s normal. Then he started to get rough patches. His face was so red and bumps started going down his neck and pus was coming out of his forehead so I took him to the ER. They said it was just baby acne that got irritated from lotion use. I was just using baby lotion. So I stopped and they gave hydrocortisone cream for the itch. It seemed to help for a few days and now his whole body seems to have broke out and he scratched up his face even tho I just cut his nails. This doesn’t seem like just baby acne to me. Eczema? Allergic reaction? He’s been on the same formula since he came home from hospital. I was using baby detergent but switched to free and clear thinking maybe it was the soap. I haven’t been using Johnson and Johnson soap and lotion as I’ve heard that it can cause skin sensitivity. I switched to aveeno. Help !!!