Birth control explained. Please read

I see so many posts about girls asking about their birth control and if they’re pregnant and should they use a Plan B. Ok, 1) before you start popping pills, you should probably find out what they do. And 2) just because you can get it over the counter doesn’t make it safe. So here goes.

Birth control pill: this is a combo of estrogen and progesterone. This keeps you from ovulating. No egg means no pregnancy. Yes, he can ejaculate inside you and no, you’re almost certainly not pregnant if you’re taking it correctly. No, you don’t need a Plan B if the condom failed (but good for you for using a condom). Doesn’t prevent STDs, but will prevent pregnancy. A word of caution: many antibiotics will cause this pill to not work. If you’re put on antibiotics, use a back up method for a few weeks.

Plan B: HUGE dose of estrogen and progesterone. HUUUUUGE. Prevents ovulation and thickens your cervical mucus. So if you haven’t ovulated, it’ll prevent it. If you have ovulated, that egg will have more trouble attaching. All of the above equals no pregnancy. But again. HUUUUUUUUGE volume of hormones. This is NOT your regular birth control. This is what you take if you’re not on a regular pill and the condom broke. Hormones are what your body uses to stay balanced and there’s a very delicate system that your body uses to make sure nothing gets too concentrated. Every time you use one of these, you throw off that balance. May not be a big deal once or twice, but again, this is not what you should be using regularly. It is not good for you.

Minipill: progesterone only. Fewer side effects, but DOES NOT prevent ovulation. The only thing this does is thicken your mucus so an egg can’t attach. You absolutely have to take this one at the same time every single day without fail. Not as common, but fewer side effects.

IUDs: can be hormone or copper. Both are very effective. Yes he can ejaculate inside you. No you don’t need a Plan B. Won’t prevent STDs, and can be a real problem for your innards if you do get an STD, so make sure your partner is clean.

Emergency Pill: this is the abortion pill. MASSIVE dose of hormones that force a menstrual cycle. Massive side effects and can be fatal. You need an Rx for this, so make sure your doctor thoroughly explains it before you swallow it.

Please educate yourself. Talk to your doctor - not google. Don’t blindly swallow pills.