Support and advice


So I had an membrane sweep on the 28th of December and just had another today at 4:10pm and I’m still 1cm dilated and my cervix is quite high, so was quite painful on both of the sweeps. The first one I lost my mucus plug. Today about 5pm I had constant period pains and dull back ache and beigey coloured discharge, baby movements have increased! He’s moving like there’s no tomorrow 🙈

My midwife has offered me another on Tuesday but I’m feeling really emotional and disheartened that he isn’t going to come before my induction on Friday. Which I am absolutely terrified about, I’ve read the stories good and bad & we’ve had some bad news in the family and we’re just so excited to have an positive experience and meet our baby, I’m in bath and still having heavy period pains, I just don’t want to get my hopes up but I’m just feeling like it’s forever away which I know it’s not!

Anyone have any stories about their sweeps, Induction’s and advice etc,

Midwife suggest all the normal things like sex simulation etc but I’ve tried it all, I know it’s when the baby is ready, but honestly so exhausted and can hardly walk without feeling like a bowling ball is about to fall out of my lady garden 🤣😩

Happy pregnancy ladies.
