Birthing story ( 48 + hours of labor, VERY LONG)

My original due date was March 5th, 2019. This pregnancy was not an easy one. It was full of stress, pain, heartache etc. My husband decided that 5 days before our anniversary he no longer wanted me or his family and up and left. December 13th, I had class but when I woke up, I was feeling lightheaded and was having pretty strong BH. I walked down the stairs of my home and passed out. I was rushed to the hospital where I went into preterm labor. I immediately started freaking out because I was only 28 weeks.

LUCKILY, they stopped my labor but also advised me to take it easy. They wanted to admit me and put me on bed rest but I was more focused on my classes (which I ended up dropping). So for the next two weeks, I was as drama/stress free as I could possibly be. I hadn’t spoken to my husband, I was being a mom to our 4 year old.. but, I was also working constantly.

Before me and my husband met, I was a resident who was offered the job as the attending neurosurgeon but I turned it down because I wanted a family and I knew it would take commitment to my marriage and my family..

I was so determined that I also planned to change my field of career to better accommodate my family. When he left, I went to my chief and I sat him down and asked him had he found an attending neurosurgeon and he told me that, unfortunately, they hadn’t been able to find someone to stay. In that moment, I made a choice, I chose myself. After we talked, 3 days later, he called me said the job was mine if I was serious and wanted it. So I GLADLY took it, remind you, I’m about to be 29W pregnant. So I start working hard, immediately. Working 100-180 hours a week, barely being at home but it kept my mind at ease and made me happy, I didn’t think about what was going on in my personal life, it gave me a way out. During the two weeks, where I’m working up to 48 hour shifts, I was also having what I believed to be BH contractions(Remind you, I haven’t had a baby in 4 years). Thursday, I went into work, and brought my son with my (my mom was gonna pick him up later, I had no one to watch him). So, as I’m preparing to go into surgery, she’s moving, ALOT. But I shake it off, we start the surgery which lasted about maybe.. a good four hours. 2 hours in, I feel a gush a fluid and a very STRONG contraction. The residents in the room and medical interns, started to panic causing me to get really pissed off. So, they rush me to L&D. They check me, I’m 50% effaced, 2 CM dilated and my contractions are 10 minutes apart. I refused any type of pain medication and toughed it out until 9 A.M. Friday morning, I was only dilated by 4 CM, still 50% effaced and my contractions were now 20 mins apart. They wanted me to progress naturally before trying anything because of how high my BP had been. So 2 hours later, I’m having minor contractions and walking around the hospital. Nothing changes until 6 hours later.. BY 2 CENTIMETERS 😞. I’m slowly progressing to 10 centimeters, I’m handling the contractions until 7 CM. After I hit 7, I was no longer progressing and she was showing signs of distress at 2:17 in the morning on Saturday. We tried everything to stop the fetal distress. They gave me oxygen & extra fluids but there was still no change.

At 7:30, they took me to the OR to preform an emergency C-section, she came into the world at 8:37 A.M. on Saturday Morning but her heart had stopped beating. After she was delivered, I coded on the OR table and they began to do CPR on the both of us. They resuscitated her first and immediately started checked her out. After they resuscitated me, I remember relieved looks on everyone’s face before I blacked out.

When I came to, I was in my hospital bed, in a great deal of pain. I realized that I did not see my child so I paged the nurse, asked her but she acted as if she didn’t know what I was talking about 😒. For two hours, no one would tell me anything, finally. My chief walked in and told me that my daughter needed emergency heart surgery. (aortic valve stenosis). That’s where one of the valves are too narrow to support blood pump so immediately I don’t freak out. My little fighter did amazing with her surgery. We had a scare earlier but she’s doing much better now and so am I.

Bianca Tamera Ann B.

Born: Saturday, December 29th, 2018 at 8:37 A.M.

4lbs exactly.