Had my first appointment today πŸ’š


I am 10 weeks today and had my first appointment πŸ’š it went well, i have the same dr i had with my son. She is very friendly and was very congratulatory! I got to see my little bean for a brief moment on the portable ultrasound machine and i was already in loved πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ’š heartbeat was a strong 183, and i got my appointments set up for the next few months.i am soooo excited for this journey! The only thing i am slightly disappointed in is that ill only get 1 ultrasou d and that will be in march. I know it's because theyre exspensive and i will survive but i love seeing the growing little baby on that screen lol. Either way now im faced with finding out the gender or not. Previously with my son we waited until he was born. My fiance wanted to know and i wamted to wait so we waited. This go around i want to find out! And he wants to wait! We shall see in the end, im sticking with we should find out because then I'll know just how much of the old baby stuff we can use lol. Im soooo excited!